"I knew our son was sad; I just didn't know he could die from being too sad".
National Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255

Now that General Graham has retired from the Army, he and Carol are dedicated to speaking where ever they are needed. If you have an interest either or both of the Grahams speaking at your function, please contact them. You'll find their email addresses below.

The Grahams believe sharing their story and continuing to serve in the military is their way to make sure the boys’ legacy lives on.

General Mark Graham

Carol Graham

'Soldier On'
 was written for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) by artist Greg Barnhill. Click here to download the song and/or make a donation to TAPS.

Retired from the Army; More time to share their story

After more than 34 years of service, Maj. Gen. Mark A. Graham bid farewell to the Army on May 18, 2012. But his work is not done.  He and his wife Carol continue to share their story and to help others.


"While Carol and I are sad to leave such a great Army, we are also excited about continuing to serve in another way in the future"

"Your service resume is impressive," Gen. David M. Rodriguez told Graham. "It reflects superior performance in some of the most challenging duty assignments on our Army. "You're a patriot. You're respected as a leader, admired as a successful officer, and valued as a comrade."

"After 34 years, I did not get here by myself. In fact, I got here in spite of myself," Graham observed humbly. "Officers, NCOs, and Soldiers alike have carried me along the way, and I thank each and every one for letting me stand on their shoulders. Because of them, I stand before you today. Any success I've had is a direct reflection of them, not me."

Maj. Gen. Graham and his wife, Carol, were also honored during the ceremony for tirelessly championing military and civilian efforts to promote mental health and suicide prevention awareness.

"Our sons, Jeff and Kevin, died fighting different battles," Graham acknowledged. Kevin Graham died by suicide in 2003 while a senior ROTC cadet studying to become an Army doctor; nine months later 2nd Lt. Jeff Graham was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq. Since then Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Graham have dedicated themselves to helping people in the military and the civilian world to learn about and prevent suicide.

In concluding his remarks, Graham asked everyone to keep in mind those who have fallen in the service of the country to ensure America's freedoms for generations to come.

"I also ask you to think about our wounded service members, many of whom have wounds you can see but many who have wounds you cannot see that are sometimes tougher to heal than the wounds you can see"

"People need to know that you can die from depression. You can die from untreated depression,"

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