"I knew our son was sad; I just didn't know he could die from being too sad".
National Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255

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"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mark and Carol Graham continue to support several Non-Profit organizations and funds that have established programs in memory of their sons Jeff and Kevin.  Donations to any of the below listed organizations/funds is truly appreciated and will help others.  This allows anyone donating to give directly to the fund and to ensure your donation is tax exempt.  Mark, Carol and Melanie thank you for your generosity in memory of Jeff and Kevin and for all the good that will come of your donations.  Additional details for each fund can be found on the web pages dedicated to Jeff and Kevin.

    Jeff and Kevin Graham Memorial Fund - University of Kentucky

Purpose:  Established a Suicide Prevention Program on the Campus of the University of Kentucky.  The program is directed by Dr Mary Chandler Bolin,

How to donate:
University of Kentucky
ATTN: Dr Mary Chandler Bolin
201 Frazee Hall
Lexington, KY 40506-0031

For additional information call: 270-872-8001 or the UK Office of Development at: 800-875-6272 (alt: 859-257-3911)

    Jeff and Kevin Graham Endowed Lectureship in Psychology -
Cameron University, Lawton, OK

Purpose: To advance the study and research of depression and suicide prevention.

How to donate: 
Cameron University
ATTN: Vice President for University Advancement
2800 West Gore Blvd\
Lawton, OK  73505-6377

For additional information contact: 580-581-2999

    2LT Jeffrey C. Graham Memorial Scholarship Fund established by two of Jeff’s engineering classmates at the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky. 

Purpose:  Provide an annual scholarship for a UK engineering undergraduate.  A family member attends the awards banquet each year. First scholarship awarded in 2005.

How to donate
University of Kentucky
ATTN: Dean, College of Engineering
351 Ralph G. Anderson Building
Lexington, KY 40506-0503

For additional information contact: 859-257-1687 or 257-8827

 •    Suicide Prevention Partnership – Pikes Peak Region

·      Jeff and Kevin Graham Memorial Crisis Hotline (El Paso County, Colorado: HOTLINE: 719-596-5433 or contact the national suicide HOTLINE network - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Purpose:  To provide 24 hour a day support to those in the midst of a crisis. 

How to donate
Suicide Prevention Partnership
ATTN: Ms Janet Karnes
704 North Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO  80903

 For more information contact:  719-573-7447; FAX: 719-572-0763

·      Jeff and Kevin Graham Support Services
Started 15 Nov 2012 (Kevin’s birthday). 

Purpose:  Offer support groups for people who have attempted suicide or had suicide ideations. 

How to donate
Suicide Prevention Partnership
ATTN: Ms Janet Karnes
704 North Tejon Street
Colorado Springs, CO  80903

For more information contact:  719-573-7447; FAX: 719-572-0763

To contact Mark or Carol directly:

Mark: grahamm2@aol.com  

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the links on the "Links and Resources" page
and share them with friends and family


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